Happy Saturnalia!

Saturnalia by Antoine Callet

Saturnalia by Antoine Callet

Io, Saturnalia!

Saturnalia is the Roman winter solstice festival that began in 427 BCE and continued... well, at least until 448 AD.  Many Christmas traditions are thought to have begun during Saturnalia festivities.  A celebration of the Roman god, Saturn, the festival began as a  three day event and was later expanded to a full week.  During this time gifts were given, special foods eaten, hijinks broke out and assorted merriment was enjoyed by slave and citizens alike.

But how was it celebrated?

Well, from Qorkz's extensive research (cough, cough) indicate the following:

  • The colors green and gold were favored. 
  • Celestial symbols were used inside houses as well as outside.
  • A special concoction called mulsum was drunk.  It was a mixture of honey and white wine that was chilled.
  • Gifts with little poems attached were given to guests and friends and family.  
  • Games were played.  Dice throwing, in particular, was part of the fun.
  • The Lord of Misrule was the emcee of festivities and he was chosen by lots... and you were to do whatever he said.  Extra note:  Nero was once chosen to this honor.
  • Slaves were given temporary freedom and might wear a conical hat called a pileus to indicate their free status.
  • Slaves were often served by their masters in a kind of backwards day manner.

So, how should YOU celebrate?  

How about, wine and pizza and night of boardgames and charades?  Happy Saturnalia!