Chef Jayne in Qorkz Kitchen - Italian Butter Beans

Looking for an awesome side dish that works with just about everything?  Well, Chef Jayne has just the thing for you!  Cook on the weekend and have side dishes for a week!  


Italian butter beans

Recipe by Chef Jayne Reichert

Serves 10

  • 2 pounds dried Italian Butter Beans, soaked over night
  • 2 onions
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • ½ bunch fresh rosemary
  • ½ of an orange 
  • Salt 
  • Extra-virgin olive oil

Place the beans in a pot along with the onions, cut in half, the four cloves of garlic, rosemary and orange.  Add enough water to cover them by about two inches.  Bring the beans up to a boil, then n turn them down to a simmer.  Half way through the cooking process season the beans with salt.  Note salt is too “taste” but start with a tablespoon, allow the salt to dissolve and then taste the beans again after 20 minutes and add salt as needed. 

Continue cooking the beans until they are cooked through and tender, but not falling apart.

Serve the beans drizzled with a fruity olive oil.  You may also stir them into sautéed greens for a great side dish to any meat dish.