North Coast - Wine Region of the Day

The North Coast received its designation as an AVA in 1981. North Coast is a super AVA encompassing grape-growing regions in six counties: Lake, Marin, Mendocino, Napa, Sonoma, and Solano. This large appellation covers over 3,000,000 acres and includes some smaller sub-appellations that all share the common ecology trait of having its weather affected by the cool fog and breezes from the Pacific Ocean. The sub-appellations include: Alexander ValleyAnderson ValleyAtlas PeakBennett ValleyBenmore ValleyBig Valley Lake CountyCalistogaChalk HillChiles ValleyClear LakeCole RanchCoombsvilleDiamond Mountain DistrictDos RiosDry Creek ValleyEagle Peak - Mendocino CountyFort Ross-SeaviewFountaingrove DistrictGreen Valley of Russian River ValleyGuenoc ValleyHigh ValleyHowell MountainKelsey Bench-Lake CountyKnights ValleyLos CarnerosMcDowell ValleyMendocinoMendocino RidgeMoon Mountain District Sonoma CountyMt. VeederNapa ValleyNorthern SonomaOak Knoll District of Napa ValleyOakvillePetaluma Wind GapPine Mountain-CloverdalePotter ValleyRed Hills Lake CountyRedwood ValleyRockpileRussian River ValleyRutherfordSolano County Green ValleySonoma CoastSonoma MountainSonoma ValleySpring Mountain DistrictSt. HelenaStags Leap DistrictSuisun ValleyWild Horse ValleyYorkville Highlands, and Yountville.